Thursday, May 26, 2011


Wow. Where does time go? I spent all of April and May locked away trying to make it through the home stretch. I officially finished all my pre-med requirements this past semester, which was a huge milestone in my life. I'm still in disbelief at how much things have changed in the past year. While I probably will still be indecisive about some things, gone are the days where I just have no idea what I want to do and just shuffle around waiting. Waiting just in case something happened, something that would just change everything. My personal favorite, waiting for the right time, to be absolutely sure. But of course that never happens, life isn't a Disney movie. One day you have to step up and stand up for yourself, your beliefs, your dreams, even just taking a step back and accepting reality. Anything other than ho hum status quo. Alternatively, you can just keep on going down that windy downhill path to the lifesucking blackhole of limbo. As one of my all-time favorite quotes says, "Change isn't something that just happens. Change is something you make happen."

Of course this obviously doesn't apply to everyone, in all situations. You have to be patient and willing to compromise and blah blah blah.. I'm not here to preach morals and values, I'm just telling my story. SO: as for me, I got fed up with waiting. Four years into college, I completely change my life path. And now? No more feeling unsure. Probably one of the best feelings in the world, feeling (and knowing) that everything is somehow seemlessly falling into place. How it happened? I have no idea. But it happened. I am definitely an all out science girl, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. I am more confident than ever that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.  All it took was the right attitude, and the willingness and courage to break the cycle and make changes, no matter how scary it is to venture into the dark. Those people that rave to you about how passionate they are about ...everything and how amazing it is when you find that thing that makes you tick. vomit-inducing, I know. BUT seriously, I am one of those people now and it's UHmazing :)

The last 3 weeks or so have been a blur, granted a CRAZYAMAZAWESOMTASTIC blur, but a blur nonetheless. I had a week off to spend with my friends and family at home, and then came back to work full time at the hospital (which I LOVE). It was a couple weeks of co-op bliss, when I came home and did not have any other obligations (mmm... what?). It was fantastic but I always succumb to my old busy bee ways.

Unfortunately, those 3wks were all I had. This week marks the beginning of my MCAT marathon studying all day everyday 45T on august 12, here I come. (For those of you that are confused, 45T is the max score on the MCAT, and my new mantra). Inbetween frantically studying I have a project proposal, budget proposal, scholarship apps, fundraising, and tons of travel plans to make. I'm also training to get back into shape so I can go hiking in the higher altitude in my travels... how that's going to fit with my insane schedule and the less than pleasant weather we've been having, only time will tell.

In the spirit of perseverance, I leave you with one of my biggest motivators:
"Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful."


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